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How to use our analytics
Updated over a week ago

What we'll cover in this support article:

How Our Analytics Works

Let's start with some quick definitions of the metrics you'll see in your analytics breakdown.

Pageviews: The total number of times your page was viewed by a visitor in the given time period.
Unique: The total number of unique visitors that viewed your page in the given time period.
CTR (Click-through rate): The percentage of views that resulted in a click.
Total Reach: Unique users who have visited your profile.
Sessions: A group of user interactions with your website that take place within the same tab or browser window.

Data Retention Length

How much data we store for your profile all depends on the plan your on.

  • Free: We store your analytics data for the past 28 days

  • Pro: We store your analytics data for the past 120 days

  • Pro+ / analytics add-on: We store lifetime analytics data

Note: If you plan is downgraded, you're older analytics data may be deleted and won't be able to be recovered.

What counts as a view?

A view is when someone visits your profile. You could also think of a view as a click on your profile link. If a visitor visits your profile three separate times, that would count as three profile views.

What counts as a click?

A click is when a visitor clicks one of your links or social icons. If a visitor clicks on three different links, that would count as three clicks.

Chart Types


Get a quick overview of your Views, Clicks, CTR, Events, Total Reach, Sessions, and Sessions Per User over the selected period.

Activity chart

View a breakdown of views, reach, clicks and CTR for the selected period. The numbers at the top will indicate the overall performance. You can interact with the chart to see a daily/monthly numbers.

Note: Free users cannot see the reach metric.

Top Referrals

View your top referrals for the selected period. You'll be able to view your top ten referral sources.

Top Countries

View your top countries for the selected period. You'll be able to view your top ten country sources.


View what devices your visitors are using when they view your profile.

Top Links

View your top links for the selected period. You'll be able to view your top ten links.

Top links chart

Top Click Referrals

View your top referrals for the selected period by clicks. You'll be able to view your top ten referral sources.

Top click referrals chart

Link Types

View your top link types for the selected period by clicks. This includes your social icons as well.

Link types chart

Top Events

View the top events that happened on your profile.

Top events chart

Top Event Referrals

View your top referrers for your events.

Top event referrals chart

Top Event Countries

View your top countries for your events.

Top event countries chart


Various events are captured when a user takes action on your profile.

  • Carousel Swipe: A carousel on your profile has been interacted with.

  • Download vCard: A user downloaded your contact details.

  • Email Opt-in: An opt-in form has captured an email address.

  • SMS Opt-in: An opt-in form has captured a phone. number

  • Form Submit: A form has been submitted by a user.

  • Video Started: A video on your profile has been clicked and started.

  • Embed CTA Click: A link that has embedded content has had the button inside it clicked.

  • Feed Stack Expansion: A stacked feed link has been clicked, and the links expanded.

  • Transaction: A request or support link has been submitted.

Event Tag

Not all clicks are created equal; sometimes, you want to highlight important events on your page. An event tag turns a click into a readable and definable event.

Event tag on a link
Top events chart

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