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Text link

Add a block of text to your profile. Can be formatted with markdown.

Updated over a week ago

What we'll cover in this support article:

What is a text block link?

Text block link

The text block link allows you to add abitrary text to your profile. You can use markdown to format your text link, which allows a variety of styles and formatting. Add anything from headers, paragraphs, lists, blockquotes, tables and more.

Free plan limitations

  • Images and links of any kind won't work on the free plan

Pro plan features

  • You can add images and links to your markdown

Adding a text link

  1. Go to your admin page.

  2. Click the Explore Links button and select Text.

  3. Add the text you'd like to show. You can format it using markdown.

    Text link

  4. Switch the toggle in the bottom left corner to enable your link

  5. All done!

Markdown formatting

Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for formatting text. It allows you to quickly create headings, paragraphs, line breaks, emphasis, blockquotes, lists, code blocks, horizontal rules, tables, links, and images. With markdown, you can quickly make professional-looking documents with minimal effort.


Headings allow you to break up your document into logical sections. They come in six different levels that are indicated by the number of # characters that you use. For example,

# Heading 1

will produce an H1 heading. Similarly, you could use

###### Heading 6

to produce an H6 heading, which is the smallest.


Paragraphs are lines or blocks of text, usually broken up with a blank line before and after each paragraph. To signify a paragraph, leave an empty line between two blocks of text.

First paragraph

Second paragraph


Emphasis can be used to draw attention to important words or phrases. You can apply emphasis to text by placing * or _ at either end of the text. For example,

*This text will be italicized*

will render as This text will be italicized. You can also use double asterisks (**) or double underscores (__) for bold text, i.e.

**This text will be bold**

renders as This text will be bold.


You can use blockquotes to set off a large quotation or excerpt from the rest of your text. To create a blockquote, you should use the > character at the beginning of each line. For example:

> This is a blockquote. It will stand out from the rest of the text, and can be used to add emphasis.


You can create lists by using asterisks or numbers to mark each item in the list. For example:

- List item 1
- List item 2

1. Ordered list item 1
2. Ordered list item 2


If you want to add code blocks to your document, you should use three backticks (```) at the beginning and end of the block. Within the block, you should use two spaces for each line of code. For example:

This code block will be formatted with two spaces before each line.

Horizontal Rules

If you need to divide your document into sections you can use horizontal rules. To add a horizontal rule, type three or more hyphens (-), asterisks (*), or underscores (_) on their own line.



Tables allow you show tablular data in an organized fashion. For example:

| Fruit | Color | Amount |


| Apple| Red | 5 |

| Banana | Yellow | 2 |

| Orange | Orange | 4 |


Adding a link is a Pro feature. You can use links to quickly add web or email links to your document. For example:

[link text](
[**bold link text**](


Adding an image is a Pro feature. You can also add images to your document. To do so, you should use the following syntax:

![alt text](image url)

, replacing the alt text with a short description of the image, and the image url with the URL of the image.

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